Top Things to Know About Hollywood Sign Hike Tour

hollywood sign hike

Hollywood Sign Hike is an enjoyable experience. It is worth all the challenges that may come in your hiking way. Los Angeles offers the most enjoyable hikes with amazing views throughout the journey. 

The exceptional view of Los Angeles from Mount Lee’s top point is just outstanding and something that you can’t miss. It is a truly incredible experience. Here, we provide all you need to know about the Hollywood sign hike tour.

Highlights of Hiking to Hollywood Sign

You can’t get any better Hollywood Sign for hiking than the LA tour. This hiking tour is the best for tourists who want sunshine, adventure, beautiful celebrity sightings, historical knowledge, and lifelong memories to cherish forever. This beautiful city offers nothing less than the best. If you are looking to spend some quality time with your friends or want to go on an adventurous trip with your friend’s group, this Hollywood sign hike is undoubtedly the best place to visit.

On your Hollywood sign hike tour, you will get the opportunity to go below the world’s most prevalent sign for some marvelous and ultimate photoshoot time. Your tour guide will assist you in capturing the best Hollywood Sign pictures. They will also ensure that you have exciting and safe hiking. You are going to immerse yourself in this unforgettable sightseeing tour.

The visitors can also enjoy the Forest Lawn Mausoleum, which is the place to relax for the top Hollywood celebrities. You can also glimpse some top-level filming locations in LA in Griffith Park.

Things to Carry on Hollywood Sign Hike Tour

hollywood sign hike
  • All visitors should carry water bottles. 
  • Wear comfortable and weather-friendly clothes
  • Closed-toe shoes 
  • Sunglasses/hat
  • Sunblock
  • Yummy snacks as you will feel hungry after the fun hiking
  • Camera to capture the best views that you’ll cherish for the rest of your life 

What Will You Do on Hiking Tour?

  • Walk miles on easy to moderate Hollywood sign hike trail
  • Tourists going on this tour must be in good health conditions, with a good fitness level.
  • The visitors taking this Hollywood Sign Hike tour must not fear heights and love adventurous activities.
  • For this hiking, children’s age must be 5+ years to hike. For tourists with younger children, express Hollywood Sign Tour is convenient.
  • The tourists must keep themselves hydrated before, during, and even after the Hollywood Sign Hiking Tour, particularly in summer.

Hollywood Sign Trail Directions 

hollywood sign hike

You can find the Hollywood Sign trail at the Hollywood Hills Top, on Mount Lee, in Santa Monica Mountain’s Griffith Park. There are many ways to reach this sign, and there are numerous trails and trailheads.

Let us now look at some of them one by one in detail. These will help you decide the most suitable one for yourself as this hiking is irresistible. So, next time you get a chance to go for this beautiful hiking, don’t think twice and go for it.

Trailhead 1-Canyon Drive Trail for the Best Hollywood Sign Hike

Its difficulty level is easy to moderate, depending on the individual’s experience. Due to the closing down of the sunset ranch way, the Canyon Drive Trail, which leads to the Hollywood Sign, has now become the must-visit trailhead for tourists who want to go for Hollywood Sign Hike.

As it remains very crowded, parking gets a little complicated here, as the trail is very crowded. The Canyon Drive trailhead offers many facilities to its visitors, like sidewalks, trash cans, and a parking lot for the tourists. This hiking tour to the Hollywood Sign starting from Canyon Drive is approximately 4 miles round-trip. The Hollywood sign hike will take around 2-3 hours to finish.

Trailhead 2-Griffith Observatory Trail for the Excellent Hiking to Hollywood Sign

This hiking tour is a little complicated, but worth all the challenges you may face. Griffith Observatory Trail is a perfect point to start the Hollywood sign hike. Parking facilities are accessible at Griffith Observatory Trail.

If you wonder how long is the Hollywood sign hike is, you must know that this Hike to the Hollywood Sign from Griffith Observatory is approximately 6 miles round-trip. It is not an easy trail for hiking, but it’s right for those looking for a challenging and adventurous hiking time. This fantastic hiking trail is popularly known as the Mt. Hollywood Trail.

What Is So Special About This Hike?

hollywood sign hike

People who have visited this Hollywood Sign closely know the experience of visiting the world’s one of the most valued and recognizable cultural icons. The feeling is entirely different, as you can see it even from the pictures of the Hollywood Sign.

No matter where you are coming from and how old or young you are, if you are someone who loves challenging and adventurous activities and enjoy the outdoor scenic beauty, this Hollywood hiking is just perfect for you. So, don’t forget to add this best Hollywood Sign hike to your to-do bucket list.

The Hollywood sign is worth hiking. You can call it one hell of an achievement. Yes, it is that exciting. A fantastic thing to add to your LA bucket list. It is an excellent feeling to see the sign in person from so close. What makes it unique is that the Hollywood Hills are a gorgeous place for touring and hiking. The view of this magical city is incredible as it is surrounded by such natural beauty.

If you ever get a chance to visit this beautiful place, don’t forget to enjoy the hiking at the

Hollywood Sign and give yourself an unforgettable experience. If you have hiked once, you must consider challenging yourself more next time by beginning from a farther starting point or going for a similar adventurous hike around the area. If you do the Hollywood sign hike once, you will not be able to resist visiting again and again.

Planning and Preparation for The Hike

hollywood sign hike

It would be best to do proper planning before getting ready for your Hollywood sign hike tour. Do proper thinking about the perfect day and time when you can go hiking. It would be best if you crosschecked the opening times of the park. It usually remains open between sunrise and sunset.

The best time to go for this Hollywood sign hike is weekdays, as it will be less crowded and have more parking space. If you prefer the weekend, consider going early in the morning as that is the best time to enjoy this hiking experience.

The worst time for this hiking is in the afternoon on the weekend, because it will be very crowded, especially if the weather is good. So, it would be best if you planned to keep all these things in mind. After all, comfort should be the priority.

The best weather for this outstanding Hollywood Sign Hike is during the months of Spring. It is not recommended to hiking hollywood during sweltering weather or even rainstorm. It would be best to avoid it as you may feel dehydrated time and again. 

The particular Hollywood sign has become an essential part of Los Angeles in all these years. Thus, it is a must-visit tourist destination for anyone visiting this lovely city, especially if they love sightseeing and natural beauty. 

Some Tips for the Hollywood Sign Hike

hollywood sign hike
  • The Hollywood Sign Hike is perfect for family, a group of friends, and even co-workers.
  • Don’t get too close to the sign as motion detectors and security cameras strictly regulate the sign. There are severe penalties for trespassing so avoid that to save yourself from being charged.
  • After completing your Hike, you must visit Beachwood Cafe as they have some delicious food to serve you after exciting hiking.
  • If you’re going on a road trip, you must get an RV rental in Los Angeles.
  • A fun fact about this sign is that each letter of this Hollywood sign is 45 feet tall and 350 feet long.
  • Don’t forget to bring plenty of water along with you and if you want to enjoy at the top of this sign, carry some yummy snacks too.


Hollywood is a symbol that is recognized internationally. We all have seen it in pictures or while touring around in LA. However, only those who have done the Hike on the top of this Hollywood sign know it’s a unique and fantastic experience. 

It is a must-do hike if you are visiting LA. Thus, consider all the points mentioned earlier before planning your tour to Hollywood sign for a comfortable and fun hiking time.

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